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4 important parts of a powerful lead magnet

4 important parts of a powerful lead magnet

Have you heard the old saying, if you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours?

Well, when you put a powerful lead magnet in front of your perfect client, and they accept it – you’ve scratched their back. Now, what will make them want to scratch yours?

The Promise

Think of a lead magnet this way – the prospect is the mouse and you’re the cat. Ask yourself. Do prospects look at your lead magnet and see an invitation to help themselves and enjoy?


Do they feel it is a threat hovering over them? Danger, danger, because you are going to hit them with a sales pitch (over and over and over again).

chasing the perfect lead magnet


The mouse asks himself – does this smell like cheese OR look like whiskers?

Which are you doing – offering cheese or acting like the hungry cat?


Are you offering a bite-size treat or a full, heavy meal? Prospects are looking for “quick wins”. Does your lead magnet provide the solution they are looking for? A short report full of tips, tricks, and advice in a neat small package? Give something extremely valuable and irresistible to exchange for an email address.

How do you find the one thing prospects will find irresistible? Think about that cheese – what flavor will get the mice chewing faster than any other? You know the answer if you have knowledge about the industry or problems prospects may be facing.

Resource: Why Lead Magnets are Important for Fantastic Business Growth 

Ask yourself:

What problems are they looking to overcome?

  • What are the most common questions your clients ask?
  • What do they want “the most” that you can do for them?
  • What question is everyone in the industry asking and want to know the answer to?

Once you have the answers to those questions, create a powerful lead magnet that provides irresistibly helpful information.

Your lead magnet should cover only one topic. Make sure it includes everything about that topic that you have to give. Remember, if you promise to give prospects an answer to an important question, your lead magnet should actually give them that specific answer. If you offer to help them solve a problem, you need to give them a solution.

It’s the free sample that tempts mice to come back and sample the whole selection – and then you can give them more.

High Value, Powerful Lead Magnet

Use the opportunity to establish that you are a trustworthy authority. It is better to err on the side of giving new clients too much than giving them too little. The more your prospect feels like they are getting, the more likely they are to come back for more.

By getting straight to the point and demonstrating that you can offer that ONE piece they are looking for, you build trust and credibility.

When they find what you offer is helpful and informative, they will come away believing that you are helpful and informative, as well.

Okay, Mr. Cat, you’ve found the perfect flavor of cheese. You’ve shared just the right size chunk. Now you’re ready to start attracting more interest.

powerful lead magnet cheeseCall to Action

Include a call to action in whatever material you provide your potential clients. A call to action can be as simple as ending a report with the question: “Interested in learning more? Go to and sign up for our free newsletter or upcoming webinar.”

Don’t be afraid to ask for a commitment on their part. It’s not out of bounds to ask them to reciprocate.

A lead magnet is your introduction to a future client, and you only get one chance at a first impression. Invest the time it takes to create the best presentation possible. That powerful lead magnet investment can reap massive rewards.

All because you scratched someone’s back!

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Filed Under: Marketing, Social Media, Uncategorized


Meet the author:

Sharon is an Online Marketing & Social Media Consultant and the President of The 24 Hour Secretary. She helps clients develop and implement online marketing strategies that showcase their brand and grow the business. Subscribe to Smart Business = Success for tips and strategies for building your business.

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